Terms & Policies
Learn about our policies
A $45 (non-refundable) Registration Fee is applied at the time of enrollment. Members receive discounted rates on various programs and activities. An annual Administration Fee of $45 will be applied each year on the anniversary of becoming members.
Tuition Payments
All accounts are set up with Automatic Payments using a credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX). Monthly tuition is due on the 15th of current month for the upcoming month’s class enrollment. For those sharing payments with another party or wanting to pay via cash, PEGA’s Front Desk accepts payments via cash, check, or alternate credit/debit card any time prior to the due date. Any account balance remaining on the 15th will be paid using the card on file. Failed autopayments will have 5 days to pay balance before incurring a $15 Late Fee. NSF CHECKS WILL HAVE AN ADDITIONAL $30 CHARGE ADDED TO THE BALANCE DUE. Â
Refund Policy
REFUND POLICY: NO REFUNDS or CREDITS ARE GIVEN. In exceptional circumstances, a tuition adjustment may be placed on an account. These circumstances are reviewed on a case by case basis. ABSOLUTELY NO CASH, CHECK, OR CREDIT CARD REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. Â
PEGA runs on a 48 week calendar with an average of 4 classes per month. Class enrollment is ongoing. Once enrolled, the student’s space is held in class month-to-month until a proper drop is completed at the Front Desk. Class tuition will be prorated if joining mid-month. Academy scheduled closures are not subject to make-ups or prorating. Please see next bullet for details on enrollment drops. Please note that all students must bring a water bottle to class or will be charged .75 cents.
Your child is automatically registered in class(es) from month-to-month on an annual basis. Any change to class enrollment (add/drop/transfer) must take place with the Front Desk. Class enrollment discussions with instructors do not take the place of communication with the Front Desk.Â
- Adding an additional class may be done at any time.
- Transferring classes of the same level may occur at any time. Transferring to a higher level class must have a Pre-Approval on file.
- Drops must take place with the Front Desk by the 14th of the current month to avoid your account being charged tuition for the upcoming month. This allows time for new students to be added to the roster for the upcoming month(s). PEGA does not pro-rate or refund for classes dropped mid-month. Gymnastics is a year-round sport.
- Accounts that are not current (see Tuition Payments and Collection Policy topics) will result in student removal from class enrollment.
Attending your regularly scheduled class on a weekly basis gives each child consistent instruction and the best opportunity for improvement and skills progression. Please arrive five minutes prior to your athlete’s class start time. Children are expected to wait upstairs in the lobby before class until a coach arrives at the top of the stairs to collect the class. Make-ups should be a rare occurrence and are only offered for excused absences. Delinquent accounts will not be allowed make-ups.
- Excused absences are those that have been called into the Front Desk prior to the start of class. Excused absences are granted for illness, injury, pre-planned vacations, emergencies, or unforeseen circumstances. Excused absences are limited to one per calendar month.
- Accounts must be paid in full to be eligible for make-ups options. Member tokens are worth $15, non-member tokens are worth $10.
- Make-up classes may not be rescheduled without 24-hour prior notification. Make-up classes are forfeited if unexcused.
- Make-up classes are available to currently enrolled students only. All make-ups must be scheduled with the Front Desk. Non-members can apply tokens to PNO Events, camps, and open gyms.
- Make-up classes must be scheduled in the athletesՉ۪ current class level or lower.
- Make-ups are for students that are currently enrolled in a class at PEGA. A student who drops from Recreational Program class(s) forfeits any makeups he/she might have.
- If only one student shows up for a class, the class will end 10 minutes early. If no students arrive within 15 minutes of the class start time, the class will be canceled for that day.
Students need to be escorted to the front door prior to class. Please wait upstairs in the lobby until a coach arrives at the top of the stairs and calls your class. Students are to be picked up at the side door attached to the gym promptly at the end of each class. Please call the Front Desk if you will be late picking up or if someone other than the primary guardian will be picking up your child. Students are not allowed to wait outside the building. Â
Dress Code
- Athletes in gymnastics classes are encouraged to wear leotards. Athletes are required to not wear jeans or clothing with buttons or zippers.
- Hair must be pulled back and away from the face
- Athlete’s stomachs and chests must be covered.
Students not following gym rules will be given a verbal warning and the child will be asked politely to follow the rules of the gym. On 2nd warning, the child will be asked to sit quietly near a staff member for 5 minutes. The 3rd warning will result in a phone call to the parent and dismissal from the activity.Â
Parking is located in the side of the building along with the designated PEGA parking areas. Children are required to be accompanied by an adult in the parking lot at all times. For everyone’s safety, please use designating parking spaces only. No parking in the Wonder Dogs area and posted no parking zones. Violators will be towed at owner’s expense.
Parents, siblings, and visitors are prohibited from entering the gym area. This is for student and instructor safety. Please view student classes from the lobby viewing area to the right of the gym entrance or from the viewing area on the second floor. For the safety of our athletes’, flash photography and video cameras with bright lights are not allowed. All children who are not in class must be accompanied by parent/guardian at all times.Â
PEGA has a play area located in the upstairs lobby. We appreciate your help in cleaning up after your child before you leave. All children must be accompanied by/supervised by their adult parent/guardian.
Items left at the gym will be placed into the Lost and Found located in the upstairs lobby. Periodically, Lost and Found will be displayed in the lobby before being donated to Goodwill.
PEGA is a pet free zone. With the exception of service animals. Please notify the office if you will be attending with your service animal.
All members will receive monthly account statements and newsletters via email. For day-to-day updates, please check our website, Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram. If you do not receive statements and newsletters from PEGA, please check with the Front Office to ensure we have the correct email address on file.
PEGA takes into advisement the Corvallis Public School district weather closures. However, multiple factors are reviewed when determining whether to hold classes. In the case of extreme temperatures PEGA will close. Please check your email, Facebook, Twitter, PEGA’s website, or recorded voicemail for timely updates. Make-ups will be allowed for unforeseen closures due to weather. PEGA does not pro-rate or refund for classes missed due to weather closures. If school is on late arrival, morning classes will start at 10:00AM.
Potty Training
If your child is not completely toilet independent that is okay! We are happy to work on a plan to make sure that kids are heard and that our staff know what signs to look for. We require all parents or guardians of kids that are not 100% toilet independent to remain on site in order to help out your child. Our staff cannot attend to children while in the bathroom.